free site templates


Host your site there, where your customers are.

Be closer to your customers.


The easy and modern way how to be closer to your customers.

  1. CHOSE YOUR LOCATION and GO - to host your ccTLD or subdomain on the right location was never so easy. No special actions required, all you need is to select your domain and preferred location. Your web hosting will be created in a minute.
  2. EASY AND SIMPLE - cut down the time by searching your web hosting provider. All you need is to select your domain and preferred location. Your web hosting will be created in a minute. Manage all your hostings from one place.
  3. MODERN SOLUTION - 1GB for WEB and SQL (PHP 7.0.x, Maria DB (MySQL) 10.x, .htaccess and the most used modules in PHP.). 1GB for E-MAILS.  Free HTTPS with Let's Encrypt SSL certificate.


CZK                           130*


Austria, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, France, Hong Kong, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Kazakstan, Netherland, Poland, Serbia, Russia - Moscow, Russia - Novosibirsk, Sweden, Singapore, United States - LA, United States - NYC, Slovenia, Slovakia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom

CZK                             195*


Brasil, South Africa

CZK                             260*


Australia, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia

Best practice

We would like to explain to you why you should use World Hosting.

  • BE NEAR YOUR AUDIENCE - Locating your website’s files (hosting) near your audience to increase page load speed is what’s commonly referred to as SEO hosting practices.
  • REACH BETTER SEARCH RESULTS - Page load speed is very critical these days. If your pages load fast, search engines will reward your listing with higher rankings. If you host within a location of your audience, then server response time will be quicker and the site will load faster.
  • DELIVER YOUR CONTENT TO B2B PARTNERS FASTER - World Hosting accelerates page load time significantly. For example, if your website visitor is located in Japan the files will be served from a Japan-based server.
  • WHEN I NEED WORLD HOSTING - Use this hosting if you manage multiple websites of multiple domains for multiple countries and languages.

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